
“The Journey: Through the Ordinary” (Pt. 1: From Bethlehem to Moab) | Pastor Glenn

This is the sermon from our 3/2/25 service.

“The Journey: Through the Ordinary” series description:

This year, our theme is The Journey. We’re committed to walking in step with God, not just sitting back and hoping to watch Him move, but walking side by side with Him.

We often define our life by the highlights and lowlights. It's tempting to define our journey by the big moments. But most of our lives consist of ordinary chapters. They may not feel significant, but ultimately end up changing everything. In our new series, The Journey Through The Ordinary, we'll discover the hidden beauty of life’s small moments.


“The Journey: Through the Ordinary” (Pt. 2: Ruth Meets Boaz) | Pastor Glenn


“The Journey: Through the Ordinary” (Pt. 1: From Bethlehem to Moab) | Pastor Glenn